Mating and Relating

Bri & John Make A Porno

Brianna Endrina / J.M.Loudermilk Season 1 Episode 8

Ask Bri! Got a question? Send it over and listen out for a response during the following episode!

Not really.  I just really liked that title.

For those of you who didn't know, I'm a married women of 7 years and have been with my S.O. for a decade overall. We celebrated our 21st birthdays together, bought our first, second &  third homes together, we have two fur-kids, we've traveled the world, worked on countless projects along side each other, have grown, changed, struggled & evolved as individuals while maintaining our dynamic in the ways that are right for US.

People look at us and think we don't fight,  that we have a "perfect life" with "perfect love" and are "so perfect together" -- what that means for us, is that we have A LOT to live up too. It means that we can't make mistakes, or argue or question our commitment or need time or space away from one another. It means that if we say we've gone to therapy that somehow we were on the brink of divorce. It means that  we must always keep smiles on our faces and talk only positively about each other and never do anything that will make people think we are anything but "John & Bri". -- it's  TOO MUCH to live up too.  So we CHOOSE not too.

We choose to do what is right for US. We choose to set the boundaries and parameters that work for US. We choose to communicate in the ways that encourage our growth as two individuals who choose to do life together. We ARE NOT perfect. We fight, we argue, we struggle, we take space, we don't always agree, but we always choose to compromise.

Getting to this place was not a straight line, it was windy, bumpy, long, and felt like a rollercoaster at times, but a decade of learning  and unlearning and accepting and appreciating all of the things that have helped us understand one another so deeply (though we still have so much life to live and experience) is the reason we can sit and have conversations that might make you cringe. That might make you uncomfortable and have you questioning us and maybe even yourself and your dynamic(s). 

This episode is a glimpse into US. Into the types of conversations we have and the way we communicate about sexual preferences, desires &  insecurities. It's personal and revealing. It's also fun and playful.

I hope that listening to us encourages you and your partner(s) to dive into conversation, with love and curiosity. To ask those uncomfortable questions, to gain confidence in one another so that you gain confidence as a unit.

There's no RIGHT way, there is only YOUR way.

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Stay Sexy, Stay Curious & Talk Soon!