Mating and Relating

We're Flowing & Growing

Brianna Endrina Episode 2

Ask Bri! Got a question? Send it over and listen out for a response during the following episode!

Btw...My Birthday was the 10th of May!

This episode is all about going with the flow and releasing the Idea that we must always control everything. We can let go, feel into our day and just BE.

If you're anything like me, this is not an easy task and it takes daily reminders to just "stop the force and allow the flow"

I am someone who has always felt like she had to be "ON" all the time. It's exhausting and energy draining. I'm learning to release my own expectations of productivity or the need to control or plan my entire life. I'm learning that it's OK to give yourself space to follow the breadcrumbs of the universe and quiet the noise so we can hear the whispers of God.

This is a reminder that your worthiness does not depend on what you do for people or how you show up for others. It is solely up to YOU.

Keep flowing and keep growing tootsiepop!

Love, B

Let's Get Social!


